Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Apple picking time..

One of my fondest memories of growing up in New England has to be apple picking. Now that I have children it is one that i am so happy to share with them. This past week we went apple picking. I felt so proud watching my boys pick and eat apples right off the trees. I pray that someday my boys will take their kids to do this and remember what a special time i had taking them. Pictures to follow soon!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fall Weather..

As September comes in I reflect on all the memories that we have made as a family over the past few years.. I will always cherish taking Omar apple picking for the first time. I hope to grow pumpkins next year in my garden and to watch my boys jump in the leaves.. God is so great and I thank him everyday for giving me the chance to be a mom! Happy Fall!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Our new home!

Well it has been a long time since I posted here.. Life has been busy as we have purchased our first home and are slowely but surely getting settled in.. I look forward to making many happy memories here! Thank you all for all your support over these past few months!